Papadopoulos: Nicosia Ready to Deal with Turkey’s Illegal Drilling in Cyprus’ EEZ

Δύσκολη η ακριβής εκτίμηση για τη φετινή επιβατική κίνηση λόγω της πανδημίας, δηλώνει στο InBusiness TV η Μαρία Κουρούπη, Senior Manager Aviation Development, Marketing and Communication της Hermes Airports.

"We are ready to face Turkey`s threats and plans for illegal drilling in Cyprus` Exclusive Economic Zone, as we have done so far, in an effective and cool manner," Deputy Government Spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos has said, invited to comment on the fact that Turkey is moving ahead with its plans in Block 6 of Cyprus’ EEZ and has already issued an illegitimate Navtex.

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