Anastasiades: No Intention to Create Climate of Euphoria

The President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades, in his New Year`s Message, has made it clear that, in spite of the significant progress achieved in the negotiations for a Cyprus solution, he does not intend to create a climate of excessive euphoria, Cyprus News Agency reports.


He stressed that he goes to the Geneva talks, in early January under UN auspices, in full understanding of the difficulties, with all the good disposition and a positive spirit for a creative negotiation, having in mind first and foremost the concerns and the expectations of the people.


Referring to the economy, the President said that all indications confirm that Cyprus is coming out of the economic crisis which brought the country to the brink of total collapse, adding that the rate of growth is stabilised at 3%, marking one of the highest growth rates in the European Union.


On the Cyprus question, the President noted that 19 months ago he embarked on the most ambitious negotiating attempt of the recent past with a view to reaching a permanent and viable solution which will reunite the country and rid the island of Turkey`s occupation troops.


The fact that Cyprus is a member of the European Union has been and continues to be decisive in reaching important convergences, he pointed out, noting at the same time that fundamental elements of the solution must be adjusted to be in line with the acquis communautaire.


“Through difficult negotiations, we have managed to safeguard all the fundamental human rights for all the citizens of our country,” he assured.


Every citizen will be able to move freely throughout the island, without any restriction and everybody will have the right to choose where to settle. The right to property, to exercising a profession and to business activity have also been secured, he said.


He said that the demographic character of Cyprus, on day one of a solution, will reflect, with a slight deviation, the demographic composition of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. “We have also introduced safety clauses, a most important provision or an equally important provision, which would prevent changes in the demographic character of Cyprus in the future from outside interference,” he added.


“As a result of this negotiation, nobody questions any longer the fact that the country undergoing an evolution will have a single sovereignty, one international personality and one citizenship, which constitute the absolutely necessary elements of a healthy federation, as this is defined by international law,” the President stressed.