Anastasiades Meets With Russian Foreign Minister to Discuss Cyprus – Russia Bilateral Relations

  Developments on the Cyprus problem and the Cyprus – Russia bilateral relations were discussed during President Nicos Anastasiades` meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in New York on September 20, Cyprus News Agency reports.

Welcoming the President who is in New York for the UN General Assembly, Lavrov said the two will also be able to see how a number of issues agreed during Anastasiades` visit to Moscow are progressing.

In remarks, President Anastasiades said the meeting is “part of the contacts we are holding at the United Nations to inform on the current state of affairs”.

At the same time, he added, they examined the prospects and the need to continue with Russia`s support and contribution in the “great effort we are making” for a Cyprus solution.

He also said that there was complete understanding on Lavrov`s part, adding the two also exchanged views on some issues of bilateral interest.

Government sources said that these issues include the avoidance of double taxation, judicial contribution and other issues.

Replying to questions by Russian journalists regarding the EU – Russia relations, President Anastasiades spoke of the need to normalise them and Cyprus is working towards this. “Our effort, as an EU member state, is to see relations normalised. In any case we are partners and want to continue to be partners as Europeans. I am referring to the EU because Cyprus has very strong bonds with Russia. We believe that the Minsk process is the only way. Sanctions do not offer the chance for dialogue and problem resolution. On the contrary, they keep the parties apart”, he added. He said that sanctions “are imposed on one party which in turn takes counter-measures. And those who pay the `price` at the end of the day are small EU member states”, the President added.

Invited to comment on US President Barack Obama`s speech before the UN General Assembly, the President said “it was a speech that covered perhaps all the problems in the world. What is needed is cooperation between different countries to tackle the problems" as well as unity.

President Anastasiades also met at the UN Headquarters with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

On the sidelines of the President`s visit to the UN, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides is holding meetings with foreign officials.

Kasoulides met with Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood where they discussed bilateral issues and Commonwealth affairs.

The Cypriot FM also met with Amos J. Hochstein, Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs with whom they discussed issues pertaining to Cyprus` energy capabilities and the region.