Tourist Arrivals Records an Increase Of 16.9% in August 2016

On the basis of the results of the Passengers Survey, arrivals of tourists reached 458,645 in August 2016 compared to 392,272 in August 2015, recording an increase of 16.9%. August 2016 had the highest volume of tourist arrivals ever recorded in Cyprus during the specific month, according to figures published by the Statistical Service of Cyprus.

For the period of January – August 2016 arrivals of tourists totalled 2,196,017 compared to 1,842,700 in the corresponding period of 2015, recording an increase of 19.2% and outnumbering the total arrivals ever recorded in Cyprus during the first eight months of the year.

Tourist arrivals from the United Kingdom increased by 9.9% in August 2016 compared to August 2015 while an increase of 36.8% was recorded for tourists from Russia. Increases were also recorded from other important tourist markets, such as Israel (61.0%), Sweden (8.9%), Lebanon (22.8%) and Greece (16.8%). Contrary to that, a decrease of 6.1% in tourist arrivals from Germany was recorded.

The United Kingdom and Russia constitute the main sources of tourism for Cyprus, with proportions of 37.6% and 26.8% respectively, while arrivals from Israel comprise 5.9% and from Sweden 3.8% of total arrivals.

For a percentage of 91.5% of tourists, the purpose of their trip was holidays, for 7.1% was visit to friends and relatives and for 1.4% business. Women comprise 50.2% of tourists and men 49.8%, whilst most of the tourists belonged to the age group of 20-44 years.