Syllouris Underlines the Important Role the CoE Plays

The important role which the Council of Europe and its institutions play in maintaining the rule of law and respect of human rights was pointed out on September 15 by President of the House of Representations Demetris Syllouris, Cyprus News Agency reports.

The Cypriot Speaker is in Strasbourg to attend the deliberations of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament, where speakers of parliament from the 47 Council of Europe member states and partner, observer and neighbouring states, as well as the heads of inter-parliamentary Assemblies, have gathered to debate the role of parliaments in three areas: the migrant and refugee crisis; promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law; and combating hatred.

An official statement said that Syllouris, who met the chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Pedro Agramunt, informed the latter on the preparations of the Cypriot House for the meetings of the Permanent Committee and the Presidency of PACE that will take place in Cyprus between 24-26 November. The meetings are held as part of the Cyprus presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Syllouris, the statement said, “pointed out the significant role which the Council of Europe plays in maintaining the international rule of law and respect of human rights”.

On his part, Agramunt referred to the important contribution of the Cypriot delegation to the Assembly on issues of great significance to PACE.

He also expressed the conviction that the forthcoming Cypriot Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the CoE will be successful and thanked Syllouris for the excellent cooperation of the House with the relevant PACE departments in preparing the Assembly`s meetings in Cyprus.

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