Anastasiades and Donald Tusk Talk About Agenda of Informal EU Summit

The agenda of the forthcoming informal meeting of the European Council, scheduled to take place 15-16 September in Bratislava, was part of consultations Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and European Council President Donald Tusk had on August 30, during a telephone conversation.

According to reliable sources, President Anastasiades stressed the need for the meeting to begin a discussion on the future of Europe and to try and bring European citizens closer to the EU, Cyprus News Agency reports.

During their conversation, the Cypriot President briefed Tusk on the latest developments in the Cyprus question and highlighted the importance of the current intensified phase of the UN-led negotiations, in view of meetings Turk is due to have with Turkish government officials in the coming days.

UN-led peace talks are currently underway between President Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustaf Akinci, with a view to finding a negotiated settlement to reunite the country, divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion, under a federal roof.