200+ Leading Companies in Limassol

  The list of leading Limassol-based companies that appears below is the third that Gold magazine has compiled. In December 2013, we presented our first listing of more than 120 successful companies based in the island’s second-largest town. In June 2015, we updated and expanded the list to more than 150 companies. In this special publication, we have again updated the information and added almost 100 more companies, which vary in size, turnover, employee numbers and ownership but are all making a significant contribution to the economy not only of Limassol but of the whole country. The list includes a number of large firms whose headquarters are elsewhere but who maintain a significant presence in Limassol.

It goes without saying that there are many more than 200 successful companies in Limassol and in compiling this list we may have done a disservice to some by not including them, possibly because they purposely maintain a low profile. Our aim, as in previous years, has been to highlight those that have earned a reputation for excellence.

We have made every effort to obtain the most up-to-date and reliable information about all the companies on the list, from the companies themselves, and at the time of going to press, all details were confirmed as correct.

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