Christodoulides: No Role for Turkish Guarantees after a Settlement

It is not possible for Turkey to a have a role with regards to security and guarantees, in the framework of a Cyprus settlement, Government Spokesman Nikos Christodoulides has said on July 30, according to the Cyprus News Agency.

Explaining the Greek Cypriot position on Turkey`s future role with regards to security and guarantees, Christodoulides said that "it is not possible, in the framework of a Cyprus solution to have a role for Turkey in Cyprus". He went on to say that a comprehensive settlement cannot provide for Turkish soldiers to stay in Cyprus or for unilateral guarantees on the part of Turkey.

"Our position is clear and has been conveyed by the President of the Republic" Christodoulides underlined.

Cyprus leaders initiated last Friday a first discussion, on the issues of territory, security and guarantees. The last time these issues were discussed on the negotiating table was in 2004. Friday`s meeting took place only in the presence of the leaders and their negotiators.

After a summer break, the two leaders are expected to meet eight more times, dedicating part of their discussions to these issues.

As President Anastasiades said on Friday, after his meeting with Akinci, they had a creative meeting but they have a long way to go, since there are outstanding differences. He also assured that they have the will to address the problems that raise concerns to either side.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Peace talks under the aegis of the UN are currently underway with the aim to reunite the island under a federal roof.