Tusk: Single Market Access Means Acceptance of All Four Freedoms

  EU leaders made it clear that access to the single market means acceptance of all four freedoms, including the freedom of movement, said President of the European Council Donald Tusk, addressing the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg, on recent Summit results, the Cyprus News Agency reports.

"We will not sell off our freedoms and there will be no single market à la carte", reaffirmed President Tusk, while describing the future relation to the UK as "a close partnership".

President Tusk said that the Summit considered the post-Brexit economic situation in the presence of the European Central Bank President, who reassured all 28 members about the cooperation of international financial institutions. However, according to D.Tusk, M.Draghi also made clear that Brexit means substantially lower growth in the UK, with a possible negative spillover all over the world.

The President informed the MEPs that the EU 28 recognised that a process of orderly exit is now in everyone`s, and especially in the UK`s, interest. Prime Minister Cameron explained why he is leaving the decision to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union to the new leadership in Britain. 

"The leaders", he said, understand that some time is needed to allow the political landscape to settle in Britain. But they also expect the intentions of the UK government to be specified as soon as possible". He mentioned that it is still too early to draw conclusions more broadly on EU`s future course, while noticing that "it is clear that too many people in Europe are unhappy with the current state of affairs, be it on the national or European level, and expect us to do better".

President Tusk reassured the MEPs that the leaders are "absolutely determined to remain united and work closely together as 27".

"The leaders recalled during our debate that for decades Europe has brought hope and that we have a responsibility to return to that", said the President, announcing the  16 September in Bratislava Summit. "We will take this opportunity to continue our political reflection".