Cyprus-Based NGO Receives Second Prestigious International Award
18:07 - 28 Ιουλίου 2016

The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR), established in Cyprus in 2003, aiming to contribute to the advancement of historical understanding in Cyprus amongst the public and educators, has been named the winner of the 2016 Max van der Stoel Award.
The award is named in honour of former Dutch Minister of State, Max van der Stoel and was established in 2001. It is awarded biennially to an individual or an institution in recognition of extraordinary and outstanding achievements aimed at improving the position of national minorities in the area of the Organisation for Security and Collaboration in Europe (OSCE). The decision for the award is taken by an international jury, chaired by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. This position is currently held by Astrid Thords who stated: