Anastasiades Calls on Turkey not to Pollute Atmosphere of Negotiations with Threats

In a modern state there is no need for guarantors or guarantor powers and Turkish Cypriots have certainly their place in such state, said Tuesday Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, adding that “some must not pollute the atmosphere through their statements or threats”, the Cyprus News Agency reports.

President Anastasiades was responding to statements made earlier Tuesday by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim after meeting in Ankara with the so-called Prime Minister Hussein Ozgkiourgkioun, who said that Turkey supports "a solution in which there is no safety concern" about Turkish Cypriots and that is the last chance to resolve the Cyprus problem.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the 8th World Conference of the Organization of Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK) and the 26th meeting of the Central Council of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots and International Coordinating Committee`s "Justice for Cyprus" POMAK – PSEKA in Nicosia, the President said that what we record through the intensification of the dialogue is significant progress on many chapters.

He said that “a modern state, with structures as have been agreed I do not think needs guarantors or guarantors powers”.

"And frankly it saddens me because the good, positive climate at the negotiating table is infected by statements similar to those made today by the Turkish Prime Minister.” President Anastasiades said Turkish Prime minister is not addressing Turkish soldiers, is not addressing his compatriots to whom he can speak any way he likes. “He must understand that he is addressing European citizens whom he must respect”, he noted.

The progress achieved, he said, through the intensification of the negotiations, is significant in many chapters, the President said, adding that it could create prospects for a solution even in this year, if there is relevant response on important issues such as property, territorial adjustments, security and guarantees.

However, Anastasiades said that some should not support that this is our last chance for a solution due to the negative consequences that certainly time brings.

“If they really want peace and welfare for Turkish Cypriots, they should help achieve a solution that Greek Cypriots will also accept”, the President stressed.

Turning to the delegates, President Anastasiades said that our main aim is to end the continued Turkish occupation and to find a just and viable solution to the Cyprus issue based on the UN resolutions and the principles and values of the EU and the acquis communautaire throughout Cyprus.

On the economy, he said that together with the political powers on the island and the sacrifices of the people of Cyprus, we have managed to restore the credibility of the state and its banking system and for the first time in seven years, we have an increase in development by 1.6% and that this year it will exceed 2.2%.

President Anastasiades said that the presence of overseas Cypriots, in conjunction with the very important work they carry out in their countries of residence, “actively demonstrates their unbreakable ties with their homeland, Cyprus”.

He said that the contribution of the Cypriot diaspora to the just struggle of our people has always been one of the most powerful foundations for the in efforts to solve the Cyprus problem.

President Anastasiades further said young overseas Cypriots, with their dynamism and creativity, create a new impetus in promoting the interests of Cyprus.