ICPAC Collaborates with CNP CYPRIALIFE on CYPRIA FlexiPension Scheme

  Upon an open invitation to tender, CNP CYPRIALIFE was selected by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) for the management of a collective pension scheme for its members and/or employees whose employers are members of ICPAC.

The collaboration of ICPAC with CNP CYPRIALIFE through the scheme CYPRIA FlexiPension gives the option to member companies to avoid the costs and the risks that are associated with the requirements of the legislation for the administration of professional pension schemes.

CNP CYPRIALIFE is one of the largest insurance companies and a serious institutional investor in Cyprus and has access to a wide investment field globally.  With experienced and qualified personnel, it has been managing investments for 20 years aiming at the best performance for its clients.

With regards to the scheme Cypria FlexiPension, CNP CYPRIALIFE has created three investment funds. Each Member has the flexibility to choose one of them or to combine all three funds on the basis of their personal investment profile. The Members of ICPAC are granted direct electronic access to important information about their own account in the Scheme through the innovative Web Portal INSUPASS, by CNP CYPRIALIFE.

CNP CYPRIALIFE has a Solvency coverage ratio that is almost 4 times (395%) what is required pursuant to the new European Directive (Solvency II) and is a member of the international French Insurance Group CNP ASSURANCES, which has a presence in 10 countries, over 160 years of experience, a total revenue of 31.6 billion Euros and 36 million insured persons around the world.

Being a professional body of acknowledged prestige and expertise, ICPAC honours CNP CYPRIALIFE with this collaboration whilst at the same time demonstrating the new modern options that are being paved in the sector of pension schemes.


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