Anastasiades: Cyprus Talks Are At Crucial Point

  Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades said on July 20 that the ongoing UN brokered negotiations for reunification of the island under a federal roof are at a crucial point and that together with Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci they are undertaking an intensive effort in order to refine the areas where they have reached a mutual understanding in order for them to become convergences, the Cyprus News Agency reports.

President Anastasiades was addressing an event on July 20 marking 42 years from a coup d`état engineered by the Greek military junta and a subsequent Turkish invasion which resulted in the occupation of the island`s northern third.

This effort, he pointed out, is not an easy task as `the devil is in the details`.

Reaching a solution of the Cyprus problem is a demand of the Cypriot people as a whole which has matured, he noted, expressing his assessment that in the Turkish occupied areas a movement seeking a solution has been created and is been reinforced.

“Today we are at a point of time where everyone wins from a solution,” he stressed, explaining that advantages for the Greek Cypriot side are obvious and have to do with ridding the island from the occupation, the withdrawal of Turkish troops, the return of territory and the return of refugees to their homes and properties, as well as an enhanced feeling of security and prospects of prosperity.

For our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, President Anstasiades said, the era of illusions has come to an end and they realise that their situation has reached a dead end. Their plan for recognition of the illegal regime in the occupied areas has failed and after our accession to the European Union there is no prospect for it to succeed.

He further stressed that if the status quo continues the only thing achieved is a continued parasitic presence in the international arena, pointing out that Turkish Cypriots with a solution will be able to rid themselves from any dependence and reveal their own identity and their own capabilities.

The most crucial advantage derived from a Cyprus solution for everyone according to President Anastasiades is that “we will be able to live in our own country without the constant threat of the Turkish army.”