Syllouris: Developments in Turkey Must Be Assessed In Relation to the Cyprus Problem

Acting President of the Republic Demetris Syllouris said on July 17 that the developments in Turkey, following the military coup attempt, create certain concerns and must be assessed to see to what extent they affect Cyprus, the Cyprus News Agency reports.

He said that we should examine the situation and the new facts which could be the aftermath of various conditions accumulated due to Turkey`s strategy in the region and the problems in the country.
Syllouris said that the analysis of the situation should be done in a very composed manner in order to see how these developments affect Cyprus.

In relation to the Cyprus problem, Acting President said that with the correct strategy and taking into consideration our position, we must fight for a solution that will safeguard our dignity and our survival on the island.

He called for unity and consensus, saying that we must believe in ourselves, show strength and leave pessimism in the past.
Syllouris said that the interests of the fittest dictate their stance, however we should fight for our survival and prosperity and we should not feel oppressed.
Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. UN-backed talks are underway with the aim to reunite the island under a federal roof.