Nicolaou: Terrorism Threat in Cyprus Lower Than in Many EU Capitals
15:41 - 01 Ιουλίου 2016

Terrorist-related threats in Cyprus are at a lower level, compared to other countries and in particular to the threats some EU member state capitals are facing, Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou said on June 30.
Nicolaou was commenting on a travel advice for Cyprus, issued by the British government, which states that "there is a general threat from terrorism”, the Cyprus News Agency reports.
“I would say that the level of terrorist threats to Cyprus is moderate,” the Minister added.
The government, he pointed out, “has taken a series of measures, taking into account the wider threats in many EU countries, as well as Cyprus' proximity to a number of regions, where such problems are encountered.”
“These measures demonstrate the seriousness in our approach, when it comes to dealing with this problem,” he stressed.
According to Nicolaou, the situation is being reviewed on a regular basis by a panel of specialists, and in return, the Police are reviewing their own measures and their capability to respond.