Anastasiades: Returning To Negotiating Table Was a Bold Move

  President Nicos Anastasiades has stated that he returned to the negotiating table for talks with Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci in fear of warming relations between the two communities going stagnant, in-Cyprus reports.

Speaking during a dinner held by the European Economic and Social Committee on Monday night, December 5, Anastasiades spoke about the day after tomorrow following the failed attempts to agree on territories and refugees during last month’s summit at the Swiss resort in Mont Pelerin.

Critics of Anastasiades had accused him of caving in to outside pressure by returning for talks with Akinci but the Cyprus President hit back by claiming that his decision to sit down again for talks was “a bold move”

“Returning to the negotiating table was not an act of cowardice but a bold move,” said Anastasiades.

“The possibility of prolonging the dead-end in the talks would have had unforeseen repercussions and would have burdened all those responsible for keeping dialogue alive.

Anastasiades went on to confirm his “determination to work with the same zeal in finding a solution to the Cyprus problem” whilst adding that he was “optimistic that such a target is possible”.

Meanwhile, UN special advisor on Cyprus, Espen Barth Eide, held meetings in Ankara on Monday to discuss, mainly, the thorny issue of security and guarantees and to make initial preparations for the “Conference for Cyprus” scheduled to be held on January 12 in Geneva.

Eide got an appointment with President Erdogan’s confidant Ibrahim Kalin at the presidential palace in Ankara. They discussed how Turkey would approach the multilateral talks in Geneva and what a possible outcome could be. Both stressed the need for the guarantor powers to have a constructive dialogue on Cyprus security after a settlement.

Earlier, Eide had a meeting with Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, reviewing ways to agree on a security and guarantees formula that could be accepted by all sides involved in the Cyprus problem.

On Tuesday, December 6, Eide is also set to brief the President is the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, on the on-going developments on the Cyprus talks.