Philippos Soseilos: From Knowing to Doing

  Philippos Soseilos, Head of Human Capital, Partner, PwC Cyprus spoke at the 15th Leadership and Human Resource Management Conference that took place on November 8 at Hilton Park Hotel in Nicosia.

Philippos Soseilos is Head of Human Capital, Partner in Charge of the Consulting Competence and a member of the Management Board of PwC. He has significant experience in the areas of Business and Human Resource Consulting. He is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a member of the corresponding professional body in Cyprus (ICPAC) and of the Cyprus Association of Human Resource Management. He graduated from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Soseilos welcomed delegates for attending the 15th Leadership and Human Resource Management Conference. To celebrate the 15th year anniversary, Soseilos gave a flashback of the economic trends and challenges that Cyprus faced throughout the 15 years since the beginning of the conference.

Finally, Soseilos talked about the importance of organisational agility through a transformation in business, people, culture, as well as personal transformation, thus, he said that the conference focuses on why businesses need to change and how to change.

Soseilos and PwC also received an award for their contribution in organising the event for the last 15 years in collaboration with IMH and offering all these years the necessary knowledge transfer skills to participants.


The 15th Leadership & Human Resource Management Conference is one of the biggest gatherings of C-level executives in Cyprus. Its objective is to examine the latest developments, expertise and knowledge from organisations around the world regarding Business Leadership and Human Resource Management and combine all this with local knowledge and practice.

The event is organised by IMH and PwC Cyprus and sponsored by Cablenet. The event is endorsed by Stylianos Christoforou & Co LLC and supported by the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM). The Communication Sponsors are Gold, IN Business and Reporter Online

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