Lakkotrypis: Cyprus' Casino to Be the Largest In Europe
19:40 - 21 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Cyprus` casino will be the largest in Europe, Minister of Tourism, Commerce, Industry and Energy, Yiorgos Lakkotrypis said on Friday, November 18, Cyprus News Agency reports.
Replying to questions by journalists, Lakkotrypis pointed out that the multi-thematic casino resort to be built in Cyprus will be the biggest in Europe both as regards the number of tables and game consoles.
Lakkotrypis said that the casino will enrich Cyprus` tourist product and will be the only multi-thematic casino in Europe, based on the ones in the US and Asia.
The Minister was also asked whether on Monday he will receive the report of the advisory committee regarding the third licensing round for hydrocarbons' exploration in Cyprus` Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
He said that he expects to receive the report in some days, adding that the report will include the suggestions of the committee as to which companies/consortia could proceed to the next step of the negotiation, based on the economic and technical criteria which have been published already. The most important thing, he added, is the Republic`s share in the income from the hydrocarbons and the speed at which the companies will proceed to their drilling.