Cyprus Leaders to Conclude Their Deliberations in Mont-Pelerin

 Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, and Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, continued their discussions in Mont- Pelerin, Switzerland, during a working dinner on Sunday, November 20, and are expected to conclude their deliberations on Monday, November 21.

According to the Cyprus News Agency, prior to their discussion on Monday, November 21, the two leaders are expected to hold separate meetings with the UN Secretary General` Special Adviser on Cyprus, Espen Barth Eide, who according to UN sources is going to make a statement to the press on Monday, late in the afternoon.

This is the second round of the Cyprus leaders` talks at the Swiss resort, with a view to reach an agreement on the territorial adjustment criteria and draft a map based on them. The first round of talks in Mont-Pelerin took place between November 7-11.

Sources have said that during the working dinner on Sunday a general discussion took place and that Anastasiades and Akinci did not talk specifically and exclusively about the territorial adjustment criteria.

The dinner was also attended by the UN Secretary General`s Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide, the UNSG`s Special Representative in Cyprus Elizabeth Spehar, the two sides` negotiators Andreas Mavroyiannis and Ozdil Nami, the Director of President Anatasiades` Diplomatic Office, Government Spokesman Nikos Christodoulides and Akinci`s spokesman Baris Burcu.

At some point Anastasiades and Akinci continued their discussions at the dinner in the presence only of Eide and Spehar.

Prior to the dinner, Anastasiades had a telephone conversation with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. According to Cyprus News Agency, they had an exchange of views as regards the negotiations that took place on Sunday, November 20.

Anastasiades also had consultations before the dinner with the members of the Greek Cypriot negotiating team who escort him in Mont-Pelerin.