Fokaides: Cyprus to Continue Promoting Common European Interests

Defence Minister Christoforos Fokaides stressed Cyprus` commitment to continue promoting common European interests, in the framework of the EU`s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), Cyprus News Agency reports.

According to an official announcement, Fokaides took part in the Foreign Affairs Council, composed of Defence Ministers and attended the European Defence Agency (EDA) steering board, between November 14 and 15, in Brussels.

The Council discussed EU-NATO relations and EU military operations in the framework of CSDP, focusing on the EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia in the Mediterranean.

The Minister expressed Nicosia`s support for the Council conclusions regarding the implementation of the EU global strategy in the area of security and defence, noting that this will improve the Union`s strategic autonomy, allowing it to tackle a series of challenges.

Fokaides also attended a meeting of the EDA steering board, which approved the agency`s 2017 general budget.