Anastasiades: Solution Possible Even Before End of the Year
16:39 - 20 Οκτωβρίου 2016

President Nicos Anastasiades has said that the most significant differences on Cyprus issue lie in the core and fundamental chapters of Territory – which is linked with the chapter of Property - and Security and Guarantees, which will weigh significantly as to whether a solution would be feasible, Cyprus News Agency reports.
“If we succeed to overcome the difficulties that exist in these two Chapters, I am hopeful that a solution can be reached soon even before the end of this year”, he said in his speech at the Institute of International and European Affairs in Dublin with title “My vision of Cyprus’s role in the European Union”.
As regards the current state of play in the negotiations, he said that progress has been achieved on an important number of issues related to the chapters of Governance and Power-Sharing, Economy and the EU, while some progress has been achieved on the chapter of Property. At the same time, he said, there are still divergences and issues to thoroughly negotiate on these Chapters.
The President also expressed the belief that Cyprus` capacity as a member-state of the EU more than adequately addresses any security concerns and provides the best guarantee for all Cypriots.
“During our deliberations to find a lasting solution one of the main core issues is the position of Turkey to keep occupied troops for the so called security of the Turkish Cypriots. Greece does not want to be a guarantor power any more, Britain keeps a very positive position saying that unless both communities ask it is not interested to continue being a guarantor power, so the only remaining guarantor power who wants to continue, and to maintain Turkish troops is Turkey,” he noted.
He also said that based on what has been already agreed regarding the structure of the new state of affairs, it is crystal-clear that maintaining third country military troops or guarantees in 2016, in an EU member state is not only unnecessary but also an anachronism in today’s World.
The President also said that it is vital for Turkey to show commitment, engage constructively and proceed with concrete and tangible steps which will positively reinforce the negotiating process.
“Our negotiations continue this month, with the aim to bridge the gap on existing differences and pending issues, as well as achieve progress on all those issues that we have yet to thoroughly discuss”, he said.
He added that the guiding doctrine throughout the negotiating process is to freely reach a solution that is well-prepared and presents to the people a clear settlement, with no constructive ambiguities and deficiencies. “We want to ensure not only the smooth, speedy and secure implementation of the settlement, but also its viability and functionality”.
“Otherwise, any hurried actions will constitute a repetition of mistakes of the past, will not lead to the desired result and will jeopardize our prospect of reaching a settlement, bringing justifiable disappointment to the people with consequent negative repercussions”, he said.