Schulz: If the EU is Abolished, It Would Be a Historical Failure

If the European Union is abolished, that would be “a historical failure”, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schutz said, replying to questions from the media, at the end of a three-day seminar on the Future of Europe, organised by the European Parliament.

In his closing remarks, he said that the EU is “running a risk of falling apart” and he himself has no illusion as to where the situation is, the Cyprus News Agency reports.

He referred specifically to Brexit, noting that the June 23 decision of the British people “makes the EU and the UK weaker”, noting that the second largest economy of the Union is leaving.

“The situation in my eyes is dramatic,” he added.

The EU, he stressed, “is being threatened from inside and from outside and we are in a real struggle to keep it together.”

“If the EU fails, it is an idea failing, not an institution failing,” he explained. This, he noted, would not be a failure of institutions, it would be a failure of ideas.

However, he said “we have the chance to make the EU more democratic, more liberal.”

Replying to questions about “the blue mood” he appeared to have on the future of the Union, he said that “we have to describe the reality and this is an appeal to mobilisation, especially the mobilisation of the young people.”

He also said that the EU should not be destroyed but acknowledged that those who want to do it are winning elections and this is something that needs to be addressed.

“We must not play the blame game,” he remarked, saying that some adopt the notion that the success is a national achievement but the failure belongs to the EU.

The EU, he pointed out, needs to regain confidence and trust of its citizens, and referred to the wrong distribution of wealth as well as the banking and financial crisis, both of which – as he said – have contributed to the feeling of mistrust.