Information Management in the Digital Era
16:36 - 18 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Managing information securely is becoming increasingly important for business. Andrea Antoniou, CEO of Fileminders, explains how this can be achieved effectively.
How would you best describe what your company does?
Fileminders Ltd is the leading company in Records and Information Management (RIM) in Cyprus and one of the most innovative Information Processing companies in the region. Our innovative solutions take our clients beyond the traditional RIM services enabling them to better organize, control and access the increasing volume and variety of their physical and digital assets- with just one information management partner. The total information lifecycle solution is provided through our three pillars Record Management, Digital Solutions and Secure Destruction, as they link the management of both physical and digital records. To date we have successfully completed some of the country’s most monumental projects for both the government and private sector.