Trade Deficit in Cyprus at €2.5 Million between January and July 2016

The Statistical Service of Cyprus announces that it has published the new monthly electronic publication “Intra-Extra E.U Trade Statistics (Summarised Data)” for July 2016.

The main developments in Cyprus foreign trade were:

Total imports/arrivals (covering total imports from third countries and arrivals from other Member States) in January-July 2016 amounted to €3,462.9mn as compared to €3,021.0mn in January-July 2015.

Total exports/dispatches (covering total exports to third countries and dispatches to other Member States) in January-July 2016 were €947.0mn compared to €1,138.6mn in January-July 2015.

The trade deficit was €2,516.0mn in January-July 2016 compared to €1,882.4mn in the corresponding period of 2015.

During July 2016 total imports/arrivals (covering total imports from third countries and arrivals from other Member States) valued at €461.4mn.

Total exports/dispatches (covering total exports to third countries and dispatches to other Member States), including stores and provisions, in July 2016 amounted to €156.4mn. Exports/dispatches of domestically produced goods, including stores and provisions, were €62.5mn whilst exports/dispatches of foreign goods, including stores and provisions, were €93.9mn.

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